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Download Schotis Text Font Family From Huy!Fonts

Download Schotis Text Font Family From Huy!Fonts
Download Schotis Text Font Family From Huy!Fonts Download Schotis Text Font Family From Huy!FontsDownload Schotis Text Font Family From Huy!Fonts

Schotis Text is a workhorse typeface designed for perfect reading on running texts. Its design is based in Scotch Roman 19th-century style but designed from scratch, with a more contemporary and not nostalgic look. It has seven weights plus matching italics, with 1100 glyphs per font, with a very extended character set for Latin based languages as well as Vietnamese, and shows all its potential with OpenType-savvy applications. Every font includes small caps, ligatures, old-style, lining, proportional and tabular figures, superscript, subscript, numerators, denominators, and fractions. The Scotch Romans were one of the most used letters during the 19th and early 20th century, but they don’t have their own place in the main typographical classifications. They appeared at the beginning of the 19th century with Pica No. 2 in the catalog of William Miller (1813) and assumed the British route towards high contrast and vertical axis modern Romans. In fact, they were called just Modern. In opposition to the continental route of Fournier, Didot, and Bodoni, the English way opted for a wider, more legible letter also resistant to bad printing conditions. The name Schotis comes from the misspelling of Scottish that gave the name to a popular dance in Madrid in the 19th-century. It first was called Schotis and today is knows as Chotis.

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