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Download Artis Sans Fonts Family From Wiescher Design

Download Artis Sans Fonts Family From Wiescher Design
Download Artis Sans Fonts Family From Wiescher Design Download Artis Sans Fonts Family From Wiescher DesignDownload Artis Sans Fonts Family From Wiescher Design

»Artis« is the name for my latest art-project-font. Obviously I just chopped off the last »t«. Then I looked it up on Wikipedia and what do you know, it is of latin descent. »Ars Gratia Artis« which means »art for arts sake« or in French »l’art pour l’art«, a perfect font name. If I would cut off the »s« as well it would mean disambiguation and that in turn is, what I just did here. Enough disambiguation! »Artis« is a modern classical beauty with extreme contrast between up- and downstrokes that make it unique with a touch of art deco and showing Renaissance roots. But – »Artis« is a twin-font that has an elegantly decorated twin sister »Artis-Swing«. Between the 2 fonts you have endless possibilities for combination. I love these twins! It is a great everyday workhorse with seven weights from ExtraLight to Bold and all the necessary weights in between. Great for short copy and elegant headlines! With 879 Glyphs it is a truly European font designed for all Central European and Latin using countries. »Artis« has a set of Cyrillic that is – besides Russia – also good for Serbia, Macedonia and Ukraine. It has oldstyle- and lining-, tabular- and tabular-oldstyle-figures and many ligatures. »Artis« comes in Sans and Swing and is an elegant, playful and friendly font. Enjoy!

Download Artis Sans Fonts Family From Wiescher DesignDownload NowView Gallery

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