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Download Confitería Fonts Family From Sudtipos

Download Confitería Fonts Family From Sudtipos

Confitería is the Spanish word for a shop where sweets and chocolates are made and sold, which sometimes has a tea room. And now Confitería is also a font that brings to mind lettering piped on delicate cakes ... sweet but never sickly.

This font captures something of that simple and innocent beauty of traditional confiterías, where good manners will never go out of fashion, menus are elegant and time comes to a standstill to make way for life’s little pleasures. A confitería is a perfect place to share sweet tidbits with a friend or date, eavesdrop on the conversation at the next table, read a book, or just people-watch from the window. I celebrated my last birthday at one.

There is one iconic confitería in Buenos Aires that I love more than the rest because, some 60 years ago, it put up its marvellous sign and never took it down. Walking by it is sure to bring a smile to your face. It’s big. Very big. And the lettering in its name is written in a timelessly beautiful vertical script – the most attractive I have ever seen.

I joined forces with Sol Matas – who worked with me to update the Montserrat font –to design this geometrical connected font with pleasant, even strokes. It is elegant and saccharine-free. And to top it off, it comes in several flavors.

Welcome! What can we get you?

Download Confitería Fonts Family From Sudtipos

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